To the saints of the Remnant Church:

The Lord has stirred within my spirit to share with you, His precious Body, the things He ministered through me.  He revealed to me in a strong and powerful way the following message:

“I am shaking everything that can be shaken: governments, economies, schools, churches and individuals to cause you to know whether or not you are built on the Rock.  This is the reason I had warned you to build on the Rock.  I warned you to build your lives upon a solid rock foundation in preparation for these and other storms which are to come.  You must fall upon the Rock or be crushed by the Rock.  I am Jesus, that foundation Rock!

My remnant people are like puddles of water scattered and isolated all around the globe.  I am now bringing showers of rain which are causing my remnant people to connect as trickles of water, little by little, overflowing from puddle to puddle.  I will shortly pour out the latter rain and flood the world with My presence and power through My Body, the Remnant Church.

My mighty presence and power will bring godly fear into your lives as My People, which will bring about a purging, burning of dross, persecution…a baptism of fire!  I will use this to conform you into the image of my dear Son, Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord.  You will become my purified and prepared Bride.

You will be stirred by My Spirit to begin crying with great shouting toward the heavens, ‘Come, Lord Jesus!’  All my saints will join in crying out, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus!’  Then My Spirit will cry out, ‘Come!’ ”

When My Bride is prepared and ready and when the Spirit and the Bride say ‘Come’ then in My sovereign time I will say, ‘Son, it is time to go get your Bride!’ ”  

Maranatha!  He is coming soon!  Praise His matchless Name!


Built on the Rock,

Dan Hubbell

His servant