(Approximate Dates :The Roman Calendar is off 4 to 6 years)


1.   AD 33 to 40-    Jewish persecution of Christians primarily under the

        leadership of Saul of Tarsus.


2.   AD 36 to 90-      Clergy & Laity (Acts 6:5)”Nicolas” and (Revelation 2:6)

                                 “Doctrine of “the Nicolaites” which advocated “listening

                                 lay people and the ministering brother”.  Greek nikao =

                                 conquer to be above others and laos = common people.  A

                                 Nicolait is someone  conquering the common people,

  climbing above the laity.  This conduct of climbing over

  and above the common believers as a mediatorial class is

  what the Lord detests and hates in Revelation 2:6.


2.   AD 50      Jerusalem Conference, as recorded in Acts 15:1-29,

     determined that salvation was by faith through the grace

     of the Lord Jesus Christ and not works of the



3.   AD 54 to 68-      Emperor Nero’s persecution of the church after the

     burning of the city of Rome.


4.   AD 70-      Jerusalem Temple destroyed at the hands of the Roman

     General Titus.


5.   AD 81 to 96      Emperor Domitian led the 2nd pagan persecution.


6.   AD 90-      John the disciple died in exile on the Isle of Patmos.


7.   AD 100 to 117- The concept of a special clergy cast is already evident in

                                the two letters of Clement of Rome(AD 100)and the

                                elevation of the bishop to be the autocratic head of the local

                                church in the letters of Ignatious of Antioch/Syria(AD 110-117)


8.  AD 150-            The development of “Scholastic Theology” was introduced,

 as a system to interpret the scripture and defend it against

 heresies like the Gnosis.  It was meant for protection of the

 “faith” but soon developed into dogmas, creeds, “safe”

 rituals, “right” formulas” and “approved” liturgies.


9.   AD 165 to 185- Saving efficacy was first attributed to water baptism.


10.  AD 220 to 460 -Origen introduced the doctrine of infant baptism in

 Alexandria by 220 AD.  In 407 AD the Edict of

 Innocent I made infant baptism compulsory.  By 416 AD it

 became not only compulsory in the Western church world,

 but remained the church’s main way of “evangelism” and

 initiating the general population into the church system.


5.   AD 222 to 235- Church buildings were not in existence until the rule of

      Severus, when buildings were mandated and it became

      unlawful for Christians to meet in their homes for



6.   AD 249 to 251- Emperor Decius attempted to destroy Christianity and

      restore the worship of the Roman state.


7.   AD 284 to 305- Emperor Diocletian attempted to destroy all Christians.


8.   AD 312-      Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and in

AD 313 made Christianity, in his Edict of Milan, a State-

religion.  Priests became licensed and the church was

properly organized, registered and a part of Roman society.


9.   AD 325-      Council of Nicene was held as the first world council of

     Christians which established a creed and recognized the

     equality of Bishops.


10. AD 378 to 95- Christianity was declared as the state religion of  the

     Roman Empire by Emperor Theodosius.


11. AD 380-          Bishops Theodosius and Gratian ordered that there should

          be only one state-recognized Orthodox church and one set

          of faith, the orthodox dogma.  Each Roman citizen was

          forced to be a member and should be made to believe in the

          “lex fidei”, the law of faith.


12. AD 397-          The third Council of Carthage ratified the *canon of the

New Testament.


12.  AD 431-            The Council of Ephesus proclaimed the worship of Mary as

 the mother of God.


13. AD 440-          Leo the Great pronounced himself Bishop of Rome.


14. AD 445-          Caesar Valentian confirmed his position as the spiritual

          leader of the whole Western Empire.


15. AD 500-          The priesthood started to observe a common dress code.


16. AD 527 to 565-Justinian made the church a state ordained church and

 priests became public servants.


17.  AD 607-            Boniface III was the first bishop to adopt the name Pope in

             the Roman Catholic Church.


18. AD 709-          Kissing the Pope’s foot begins.


19. AD 786-          Worship of images and relics develops.


20. AD 850      Use of holy water begins.


21. AD 995-          Canonization of dead Saints.


22. AD 998-          Fasting on Fridays and before Lent.


23. AD 1079-      Celibacy of the priesthood instituted.


24. AD 1090-      Prayer beads adopted form several pagan religious systems.


25. AD 1184-      The Inquisition, the policing of the faith, begins: millions of

Jews, witches and later, after the Reformation,

Protestant believers died at the hands of Innocence IV in



21. AD 1190-      The sale of indulgences, forgiveness of sins against payment

                                    of money, is instituted.


22. AD 1215-      Transubstantiation of the wafer and wine: these elements

 supernaturally change into the Body and Blood of Jesus at

the incantation of the Priest.


23. AD 1229-      Bible as a book was declared too holy to be read was

forbidden to laymen.


24. AD 1414      Communion  cup was forbidden to lay people.


25. AD 1439-      Doctrine of Purgatory decreed.


26. AD 1439-      Dogma of Sacraments affirmed.


27. AD 1517 to 1521-Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Thesis at the

     Wittenberg Church.  *Martin Luther stated, “I do not

     believe the Pope and the Church Councils.  It is a fact that

     they erred often.  I am a captive of the Word of God!”  

     During this same time frame, his famous words, “The just

     shall live by faith,” were also spoken.


28. AD 1522 to 1564- Other reforms were instituted by such men as Zwingli,

     Calvin and John Knox.


29. AD 1524      Felix Mantz, Conrad Grebel and George Blaurock became

     known as Anabaptists who taught that the Bible says that

     faith comes first and baptism only follows.  They

     encouraged Christians to read the Bible together, pray and

     have the Lord’s Supper.


30. AD 1545-      Council of Trent granted Tradition equal authority with

                                    the Bible.


30. AD 1640-      Jean de Labadie, a former Jesuit Priest, began what he

     called “Converticles” which were small fellowships or

     brotherhoods of converted believers.  His main emphasis

     was a shift from a focus on church buildings into private



31. AD 1698-      Claude Brousson, the famous Huguenot was publicly

     executed.  The Huguenots organized themselves into house

     churches known as “The Church in the Wilderness”.


32. AD 1670-      Philip Jakob Spencer began small groups for

     encouragement and discipline known as “pious gatherings”

     which met weekly in houses.


33. AD 1738-      *John Wesley began his network of classes known as

 “Societies” which met during the weekdays and nights in



·       Canonization of the New Testament:

1.   The apostles claim for their writings a public use(I Thessalonians 5:27; Colosians 4:16; Revelations 22:18) and authoritative power(I Timothy 4:1; II Thessalonians 2:6; Revelation 22:19) and Peter(II Peter 3:15-16)places the epistles of Paul in significant connection with “the other Scriptures.”

2.   Apostolic fathers in AD 70-120, acknowledge all the epistles as clearly known, and used by them.

3.   Apologists during 120 to 170 AD recognized the canonical gospels as definitely separated from the mass of similar narratives.

4.   From AD 170 to 350, The testimony of Iranaeus,  Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian extends to the four gospels, Acts, I Peter, I John, thirteen epistles of Paul and the Apocalypse.

5.   From AD 303 to 397, the canon of the New Testament as commonly received at present , was ratified by the third Council of Carthage in AD 397.


·       Martin Luther (In defense of why he did not implement his house church  structure) “But as yet, I neither can, nor desire to begin such a congregation, for I have not yet the people for it, nor do I see many who want it.  But if I should be requested to do it and could not refuse with a good conscience, I should gladly do my part and help as best I can.”


·       John Wesley: (According to historian Howard E. Snyder in his book on Wesley, “The Radical Wesley”) “The classes were in effect house churches.  In weekly midweek meetings, which lasted an hour or so, each person reported their spiritual progress, shared on particular needs and problems, and most conversions occurred here.”