Acts 13:1-4

Greek: 1.  Ministering- leitourgeo = to do priestly sacrificial

                                        duties as in Hebrews 10:11 “And every priest standeth

                                        daily ministering and offering(prosphero=to bear

                                        toward) oftentimes the same sacrifices(thusia=

                                        slaughtered animal).”

2.   Worship- proskun = to kiss toward

        latreia=public or reverential service

3.   Praise- ainesis/ainos = praise

         arte = excellency

         doxa = glory

         epainos = commendation


1.   Anoint His head with ointment! (A woman in Simon the leper’s house/Matt. 26:6-13)


2.   Wash His head and feet with tears! (Woman who was a sinner/Lk. 7:37-38, 44, 46)


3.   Anoint His feet with ointment! (Mary/John 12:3)


4.   Sit silently at His feet! (Mary of Bethany/ Lk. 10:39)


5.   Be still at His feet! (Mary of Bethany/ Lk. 10:39


6.   Fall at His feet! (One of ten lepers a Samaritan/ Lk:17:15-16)


7.   Hold His feet! (Mary/Matt. 28:9)


8.   Kiss His feet! (Woman who was a sinner/Lk.7:45)


9.   Lean on His breast! (John the apostle/ John 13:25; 21-20)


10. Touch His garment! (Woman with issue of blood/Matt. 9:20-22)


11. Pray with Him! (Disciples in the Garden/Matt. 26:36-46)


12. Pray to Him! ( Thief on the cross/Lk. 23:40-43)


13. Cry with Him! (Over Jerusalem/Lk. 19:41-44; Grave of Lazarus/ John 11:35)


14. Watch with Him!(Garden/Matt. 26:38)


15. Walk with Him! (Two on Emmaus Road/Lk. 24:15, 32)


16. Abide with Him! (Two on Emmaus Road/Lk. 24:29)


17. Break bread with Him! (Two on Emmaus Road/Lk. 24:30-31)


18. Offer praises to Him! (As a sacrifice of praise/Heb. 13:15)


19. Obey Him! (If you love him, keep His commands/John 14:23)


20. Speak words of love to Him! (Peter/John 21:10-19)


21. Sing with Him! (Last Supper/Matt. 26:30)


22. Worship Him! (Disciples at Jesus’ ascension/Matt. 28:16-17)


23. Praise Him! (Children in triumphant entry/Matt. 21:7-9)


24. Cry out to Him! (Blind Bartimaeus/Mark. 10:46-52)


25. Lift up holy hands to Him! (I Timothy 2:1)


26. Minister to Him in the Spirit! (John 4:23-24)


27. Minister to Him in truth! (John 4:23-24)


28. Minister to Him continually! (Pray without ceasing/I Thess. 5:17)


29. Obey Him!(I you love him, keep His commands/John14:23)


30. Present your bodies to Him! ((Romans 12:1)


31. Serve Him! (Romans 12:2)


32. Minister to His Body! (Church as the Body of Christ/Eph. 1:22-23)


33. Minister to His Body by loving another! (John 13:34-35)


34. Minister to His Body by edifying another! (Romans 14:19)


35. Minister to His Body by receiving one another! (Romans 15:7)


36. Minister to His Body by admonishing one another! (Romans 15:14)


37. Minister to His Body by serving one another! (Gal. 5:13)


38. Minister to His Body by caring one for another! (I Cor. 12:25)


39. Minister to His Body by being kind to one another! (Eph. 4:32a)


40. Minister to His Body by forgiving one another! (Eph. 4:32b)


41. Minister to His Body by submitting to one another! (Eph. 5:21)


42. Minister to His Body by forbearing one another! (Col.3:13)


43. Minister to His Body by teaching one another! (Col.3:16)


44. Minister to His Body by comforting one another! (I Thess.4:18)


45. Minister to His Body by exhorting one another! (Heb. 3:13)


46. Minister to His Body by confessing one to another! (James 5:16)


47. Minister to His Body by bearing one another burdens! (Gal. 6:2)


48. Minister by giving a cup of water to the thirsty! (Least of these/Matt. 25:35a)


49. Minister by taking in strangers! (Least of these/ Matt. 25:35b)


50. Minister by clothing the naked! (Least of these/Matt. 25:36a)


51. Minister by visiting the sick! (Least of these/Matt. 25:36b)


52. Minister by going into the prison! (Least of these/Matt. 25:36c)


53. Minister to Him by loving God with all your heart!(1st Commandment/Matt. 22:37-38)


54. Minister to Him by loving your neighbor(nigh you) as your self!(2nd Commandment/Matt. 22:39-40)