It is very important to stress at the outset of this overview study, that our fellowship is in JESUS and not in agreement on this doctrine.  We must be careful to say only what the Bible says about the subject of  a woman’s “covering”.  There are genuine differences of interpretation on this sensitive subject, and thus one should give liberty to various possible understandings.

Greek word study on the word “covering”: 

kata = having something down the head as in I Cor. 11:4

katakalupto= to cover fully or cover oneself as in I Cor. 11:6

peribolation= something cast around or down the head as in I Cor. 11:15


What Paul seems to be essentially dealing with here is “authority” (I Corinthians 11:10; Eph.5:22) and “headship”(I Corinthians 11:3;  Eph. 5:23) 

The clear prohibitions that seem to be given in Scripture concerning a woman’s relationship to a man in the ekklesia is: 1.) Not to teach men (I Timothy 2:12a)  2.) Not to usurp authority over men. (I Timothy 2:12b)

The woman’s roles in ministry that seems to be given in Scripture are: 1.) Prayer(I Corinthians 11:5a) 2.) Prophesying(I Corinthians 11:5b) 3.) Teaching young women(Titus 2:3-5)

 “Silence” and “ministry” are balanced by the Scriptural understanding of “headship” according to the Apostle Paul:

  1. Theologically: I Corinthians 11:3, 7-8 “Head of woman is a man…woman is the glory of man…woman is of the man.”
  2. Common Sense: I Corinthians 11:13 “Is it right that a woman pray unto God uncovered?(understood in the Greek-‘No’)
  3. Nature: I Corinthians 11:14-15 “Long hair is a woman’s natural covering.”
  4. Custom: I Corinthians 11:16 “No such custom(other than taught here)neither in the churches of God.”


A sign of “headship”, by a “covering”, seems to be necessary for a woman because of:

Authority- “A woman ought to have power(authority) on her head”(I Corinthians 11:10a)

Creation- “The woman was created for the man” (I Corinthians 11:9)

Angels- “Because of the angels.” (I Corinthians 11:10b)


Possible types of coverings:

Hair- “For her hair is given her for a covering.” (I Corinthians 11:15)

Cloth/Veil- “Let her be covered.”(I Corinthians 11:5-7, 13)


What seems to be most important to understand here is that a woman should be under “authority” and “headship” which may be demonstrated by her hair and a cloth/veil.  It is primarily a matter of the attitude of a woman’s heart.  Conceivably a woman could have hair long enough to reach the ground or a veil as large as a bed sheet and still not be under “authority” or “headship”.

Thus the most important issue here seems to be that the woman be under “authority” and “headship”:

1.   “God is the head of Christ.”(I Corinthians 11:3c)

2.   “Christ is the head of every man.” (I Corinthians 11:3a)

3.   “Man is the head of the woman.” (I Corinthians 11:3b)


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