ESTABLISHED:                                      POPULATION:                       SIZE/GROWTH:

AD 33 - by Christ & apostles                   100,000 NormaL                      I Cor.15:6 “500 brethren”

AD 33-37- Jerusalem was the only           500,000 Feasts                         Acts 1:15 “120”  

Church from Pentecost(Acts 2:1-8:1)                                                        Acts 2:41 “3,000”

to Saul’s persecution(Acts 2:1-8:1)                                                           Acts 4:4 “5,000 men”

                                                                                                                Acts 5:14 “Multitudes both men

                   and women”

OUTREACH:                                                                                          Acts 6:7 “Number multiplied greatly”

Visitors at Pentecost(Acts 2:8-11)                                                            Acts 9:31 “Multiplied”

Saul’s persecution(Acts 8:1f)                                                                    Acts 11:21 “Great number”

Herod’s persecution(Acts 12:1f)                                                              Acts 11:24 “Much people”

                                                                                                               The Church grew from 120 to 3,120

                                                                                                                to over 20,000+

                                                                                                                1 house(upper room) for 120

KEY REFERENCES:                                                                              50 houses for 3,120 @ 60 per house

Acts 1:15                                                                                                 300 houses for 20,000+

Acts 2:4,41,46-47                                                                                   (Houses throughout city neighborhoods)

Acts 4:4,23,31

Acts 5:42                                            

Acts 6:1,3                                CHURCH DEVELOPMENT:

Acts 8:1-4                               Church(disciples/brethren) & apostles(Acts 2:1-5:42)

Acts 11:27-30                         Church & apostles & seven(Acts 6:1-7)

Acts 12:5,12,17                       Church & apostles & seven & evangelists(Acts 6:8f;8:5f)

Acts 15:2,4,6,13-22,32           Church & apostles & seven & evangelists & elders(Acts 11:30)

Acts 16:4                                 Church & apostles & seven & evangelists & elders & prophets

Acts 21:10,18                          (Acts 11:17-28)

Gal.1:18;2:1f                            Church & apostles & seven & evangelists & elders & teachers

                                                 (“Antioch” Acts 13:1f)

                        CHURCH CHARACTERISTICS (Acts 2:41-47;4:32-35;5:41-42)

1.     Received the Word                     13.  All things common/none lacked

2.     Witnessed                                   14.  Sold possessions/goods

3.     Baptized                                      15.  Laid at apostles’ feet

4.     God added/no one dared join      16.  Met daily

5.     Apostles doctrine                        17.  One accord/one heart & soul

6.     Fellowship                                   18.  Temple at Solomon’s porch

7.     Breaking bread/Lord’s supper     19.  House to house

8.     Eating meals                                 20.  Gladness

9.     Prayers                                        21.  Singleness of heart

10. Fear                                            22.  Praising God

11. Wonders/signs/great power         23.  Favor with all people

12. Believers together                        24.  Great grace upon them all



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