Matthew 21:42-44; Luke 20:17-18

1.   Matthew 21:42 “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone(lithos=a stone) which the builders (oikodomeo=to build a house, to erect) rejected(apodokimazo=to disapprove of, to push aside, to push away with force, repudiate, standing in opposition, to be hardened, obstinate, stubborn), the same is become the head(kephale=the head) of the corner (gonia=angle, corner, cornerstone, chief foundation stone, that which bore the weight of the building, capstone ): this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous(thaumastos=wonderful) in our eyes.(Psalm 118:22-23)”

2.   Matthew 21:43 “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”

3.   Matthew 21:44 “And whoseover shall fall(pipto=to fall, fall down, fall to ones knees, to collapse, come to an end))upon this stone (lithos=a stone) shall be broken(sunthlaomai=to be crushed together, broken to pieces): but on whomsoever it shall fall (pipto =fall to one’s ruin or destruction, be done away with), it will grind=likmao=to disperse, scatter) him to powder (likmao= shatter, winnowing out the chaff and grind to powder).”


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