El =            God, the Mighty One, Strong

Elah =        God, the Object of Worship

Elohim =    God, the Object of Worship, Power, Pre-eminence

Eloah =      God, the Object of Worship

Tsur =        God, a Rock

Theos =      O true God, the Object of Worship

Kurios =     God, Lord, Master

Adoni =      God, Master

Yahweh =   God, He who eternally IS

Mare =        Exhalted One, One High

Despotes =   God, Master

Jehovah –   Lord, God, the self-existent, to exist, come to pass, beacon,
                   altogether, accomplished, the existing one, unoriginated,
                   immutable, eternal,

Jehovah-Rochi = The Lord shepherd, flock tender, my friend, to associate

Jehovah- Jireh =The Lord, sharp sight, to see, experiencing, to see to it,
                   provider, will provide

Jehovah-Shalom = The Lord, welfare, safety, prosperity, health, peace

Jehovah-Taidkenu = The Lord, legal right, to be, right, justice, my altogether

Jehovah-Raphah = The Lord, to mend, to cure, make whole, physician,

Jehovah Shammah = The Lord, where, when, how, because of, my connection

Jehovah Nissi = The Lord, flagstaff, sail, sign my standard, banner



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