Greek Definition:


diakonia meaning practical service; serving others, ministry to those in need (sick, burdened, sorrow, poor widows, orphans); seeing      something that needs to be done and doing it; demonstrate love by meeting practical needs; having ability to detect personal needs; ability to overcome personal discomfort to meet others needs; minister in love: demonstrate love; delight in ministry.


leitourgos meaning public worker or servant.


Scripture References:


1.         Luke 10:38-42 “Martha was cumbered about much serving (diakonia).”


2.         Acts 6:1f “Seven... serve (diakoneo) tables”


3.         Acts 9:36 “Dorcas almsgiving…coats and garments which she made.”


4.         Acts 19:22 “Timothy and Erastus minister (diakoneo) to Paul.”


5.         Romans 16:1 “Phebe our sister, which a servant (diakonos) of the church.”


6.         I Corinthians 16:15 “Household of Stephanas: addicted to the ministry (diakonia) of the saints.”


7.         II Corinthians 8:4-5 “Minister (diakonia) to the saints.”


8.         Philippines 1:1 “Bishop and deacons (diakonos).”


9.         Philippians 2:25 “Epaphroditus ministered (leitourgos) to my wants.”


10.     I Timothy 3:8, 12 “Deacons (diakonos).”


11.     I Timothy 3:10, 13 “Deacons (diakonos).”


12.     II Timothy 1:16-18 “Onesiphorus ministered (diakoneo) to Paul.”





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